Mastering Machine Code on Your ZX81
By Toni Baker

Sinclair ZX Spectrum


This is a version of HEXLD3D that has been relocated from 4A00 to 6400h, includes both LENSLIST2 and DUMP and runs from a menu system.

Program Organisation
I am only going to detail the structure of HEXLD3E as the machine code has been written elsewhere. I'm not actually going to explain in depth how to put this together as it's quite a laborious task, so I recommend that you download my version towards the bottom of the page to save yourself a potential headache :) If you've not used any of the previous hex loaders before, then I shall explain how it works: HEXLD3E's machine code is held within an array and restored on load to 6400h. The user appends his/her machine code to HEXLD3E's at 6738h (LIMIT marks the end of the code and is automatically updated when writing beyond 6737h) and the user selects SAVE from the menu to save the entire program. 6400h gives a good balance between memory space for the BASIC area and machine code above RAMTOP. So before loading this program you'll need to set RAMTOP to 6400h and type NEW. Following are the differences between this and the last hex loader (HEXLD3D): * Relocation from 4A00 to 6400h (much more space below). * The inclusion of LENSLIST2 (great for checking code). * The inclusion of DUMP (great for checking data). * A menu system (much simpler than typing RUN xxx). Decimal Hex Routine/Variable HEXLD3: 25600 6400 HPRINT 25617 6411 BEGIN 25619 6413 ADDRESS 25621 6415 ADD2 25623 6417 LIMIT 25625 6419 HLIST 25675 644B WRITE 25721 6479 ARRAY 25737 6489 STORE 25755 649B RETRIEVE 25773 64AD INSERT 25818 64DA DELETE 246 bytes. LENSLIST2: 25846 64F6 LENS 26102 65F6 LLIST2 427 bytes. DUMP (linked version includes additional types): 26273 66A1 ADDRESS 26275 66A3 DUMPTYPE 26276 66A4 DUMP 26296 66B8 DUMPTYPE0 26309 66C5 DUMPTYPE1 58 bytes. 26331 66DB SPRINT 26343 66E7 PRTSTATS 93 bytes. Total 824 bytes. Program Listing
; This is new so I'll list it here. It simply prints ; some useful information about the saved machine ; code size and where the approaching STKEND is. 66DB: E1 SPRINT POP HL 7E LD A,(HL) 23 INC HL E5 PUSH HL FEFF CP FF C8 RET Z CD0808 CALL PRINT 18F4 JR SPRINT 66E7: CDDB66 PRTSTATS CALL SPRINT 3839302A332914FF DEFM "STKEND=",FF 2A1C40 LD HL,(STKEND) 7C LD A,H CD0064 CALL HPRINT 7D LD A,L CD0064 CALL HPRINT 3E2D LD A,'H' D7 RST 10 3E75 LD A,75 3C INC A D7 RST 10 CDDB66 CALL SPRINT 2D2A3D31291F2A14FF DEFM "HEXLD3E=",FF 2A1164 LD HL,(BEGIN) 7C LD A,H CD0064 CALL HPRINT 7D LD A,L CD0064 CALL HPRINT CDDB66 CALL SPRINT 2D00393400FF DEFM "H TO ",FF 2A1764 LD HL,(LIMIT) 2B DEC HL 7C LD A,H CD0064 CALL HPRINT 7D LD A,L CD0064 CALL HPRINT 3E2D LD A,'H' D7 RST 10 3E75 LD A,75 3C INC A D7 RST 10 C9 RET The BASIC Part
Remove all of HEXLD3D's BASIC lines and add the following: 10 CLS 20 PRINT "HEXLD3E" Inverse characters. 30 PRINT 50 PRINT "M. DUMP HEX" 60 PRINT "P. DUMP SINCLAIR" 70 PRINT "N. LENSLIST2" 80 PRINT "L. LIST" 90 PRINT "W. WRITE" 100 PRINT "I. INSERT" 110 PRINT "D. DELETE" 120 PRINT "S. SAVE" 130 PRINT "Q. QUIT" 140 PRINT "PRESS A LETTER" 150 PRINT 160 IF INKEY$<"0" OR INKEY$>"Z" THEN GOTO 160 170 GOTO ((CODE INKEY$)-26)*100 1499 STOP 1500 GOSUB 3900 1510 PRINT "DELETE START"; 1520 GOSUB 3800 1530 LET A=25621 1540 PRINT "DELETE END"; 1550 GOSUB 3810 1560 RAND USR 25818 CALL DELETE 1999 STOP 2000 GOSUB 3900 2010 PRINT "INSERT"; 2020 GOSUB 3800 2030 INPUT A$ 2040 PRINT A$;" "; 2050 RAND USR 25773 CALL INSERT 2060 GOTO 2030 2299 STOP 2300 GOSUB 4000 2310 PRINT "LIST"; 2320 GOSUB 3800 2330 RAND USR 25625 CALL HLIST 2400 POKE 26275,0 2410 GOSUB 4000 2420 PRINT "DUMP"; 2430 GOSUB 3800 2460 RAND USR 26276 CALL DUMP 2499 STOP 2500 GOSUB 4000 2510 PRINT "LENSLIST2"; 2520 GOSUB 3800 2530 RAND USR 26102 CALL LLIST2 2699 STOP 2700 POKE 26275,1 2710 GOTO 2410 2999 STOP 3000 DIM 0$(USR 25721) CALL ARRAY 3010 RAND USR 26343 CALL PRTSTATS 3020 RAND USR 25737 CALL STORE 3030 SAVE "HEXLD3E" 3040 LET A=PEEK 16400+PEEK 16401*256 3050 POKE 25617,PEEK (A+6+17) 3051 POKE 25618,PEEK (A+6+18) 3052 POKE 25621,PEEK (A+6+21) 3053 POKE 25622,PEEK (A+6+22) 3054 RAND USR (A+6+155) CALL RETRIEVE 3060 CLEAR 3399 STOP 3400 GOSUB 3900 3410 PRINT "WRITE"; 3420 GOSUB 3800 3430 INPUT A$ 3440 PRINT A$;" "; 3450 RAND USR 25675 CALL WRITE 3460 GOTO 3430 3799 STOP 3800 LET A=25619 3810 PRINT " ADDRESS: "; 3820 INPUT A$ 3830 PRINT A$ 3840 POKE A+1,16*CODE A$+CODE A$(2)-476 3850 POKE A,16*CODE A$(3)+CODE A$(4)-476 3860 CLEAR 3870 RETURN 3900 CLS 3910 PRINT """"" TO QUIT." 3920 RETURN 4000 GOSUB 3900 4010 PRINT "CONT FOR MORE." 4020 RETURN Operating Instructions
Type RUN to use HEXLD3E's menu system.

Download available for 16K ZX81 -> sif-hexld3e.p

Sinclair ZX Spectrum

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