Mastering Machine Code on Your ZX81
By Toni Baker

Sinclair ZX Spectrum



Decimal Hex   Name          Decimal Hex   Name
16384   4000  ERR_NR        16384   4000  ERR_NR
16385   4001  FLAGS         16385   4001  FLAGS
16386   4002  PPC           16386   4002  ERR_SP
16388   4004  E_ADDR        16388   4004  RAMTOP
16390   4006  E_PPC         16390   4006  MODE
16392   4008  VARS          16391   4007  PPC
16394   400A  E_LINE        16393   4009  VERSN
16396   400C  D_FILE        16394   400A  E_PPC
16398   400E  DF_EA         16396   400C  D_FILE
16400   4010  DF_END        16398   400E  DF_CC
16402   4012  DF_SZ         16400   4010  VARS
16403   4013  S_TOP         16402   4012  DEST
16405   4015  X_PTR         16404   4014  E_LINE
16407   4017  OLDPPC        16406   4016  CH_ADD
16409   4019  FLAGX         16408   4018  X_PTR
16410   401A  T_ADDR        16410   401A  STKBOT
16412   401C  SEED          16412   401C  STKEND
16414   401E  FRAMES        16414   401E  BERG
16416   4020  V_ADDR        16415   401F  MEM
16418   4022  ACC           16417   4021  SPARE1
16420   4024  S_POSN        16418   4022  DF_SZ
16422   4026  CH_ADD        16419   4023  S_TOP
                            16421   4025  LAST_K
                            16423   4027  DB_ST
                            16424   4028  MARGIN
                            16425   4029  NXTLIN
                            16427   402B  OLDPPC
                            16429   402D  FLAGX
                            16430   402E  STRLEN
                            16432   4030  T_ADDR
                            16434   4032  SEED
                            16436   4034  FRAMES
                            16438   4036  COORDS
                            16440   4038  PR_CC
                            16441   4039  S_POSN
                            16443   403B  CDFLAG
                            16444   403C  PRBUFF
                            16477   405D  MEMBOT
                            16507   407B  SPARE2

|SYSTEM |OLD  |NEW  |NO. |                                                  |
|VARIA- |ROM  |ROM  |OF  |                                                  |
|BLES   |ADDR.|ADDR.|BYT.|PURPOSE                                           |
|ACC    |4022 |-    |2   |Value of last expression                          |
|BERG   |-    |401E |1   |Used by floating point calculator                 |
|CDFLAG |-    |403B |1   |Flags relating to FAST/SLOW mode                  |
|CH_ADD |4026 |4016 |2   |Address of the next character to interpret        |
|COORDS |-    |4036 |2   |Coordinates of last point PLOTed                  |
|D_FILE |400C |400C |2   |Address of start of display file                  |
|DB_ST  |-    |4027 |1   |Debounce status of keyboard                       |
|DEST   |-    |4012 |2   |Address of variable being assigned                |
|DF_CC  |-    |400E |2   |Address of print position within display file     |
|DF_EA  |400E |-    |2   |Address of start of lower part of screen          |
|DF_END |4010 |-    |2   |Address of end of display file                    |
|DF_SZ  |4012 |4022 |2   |Number of lines in lower part of screen           |
|E_ADDR |4004 |-    |2   |Address of cursor in edit line                    |
|E_LINE |400A |4014 |2   |Address of start of edit line                     |
|E_PPC  |4006 |400A |2   |Line number of line with cursor                   |
|ERR_NR |4000 |4000 |1   |Current report code minus one                     |
|ERR_SP |-    |4002 |2   |Address of top of GOSUB stack                     |
|FLAGS  |4001 |4001 |1   |Various flags                                     |
|FLAGX  |4019 |402D |1   |Various flags                                     |
|FRAMES |401E |4034 |2   |Updated once for every TV frame displayed         |
|LAST_K |-    |4025 |2   |Keyboard scan taken after the last TV frame       |
|MARGIN |-    |4028 |1   |Number of blank lines above or below picture      |
|MEM    |-    |401F |2   |Address of start of calculator's memory area      |
|MEMBOT |-    |405D |1E  |Area which may be used for calculator memory      |
|MODE   |-    |4006 |1   |Current cursor mode                               |
|NXTLIN |-    |4029 |2   |Address of next program line to be executed       |
|OLDPPC |4017 |402B |2   |Line number to which CONT/CONTINUE jumps          |
|PPC    |4002 |4007 |2   |Line number of line being executed                |
|PR_CC  |-    |4038 |1   |Address of LPRINT position (high part assumed 40) |
|PRBUFF |-    |403C |21h |Buffer to store LPRINT output                     |
|RAMTOP |-    |4004 |2   |Address of reserved area (not wiped out by NEW)   |
|S_POSN |4024 |4039 |2   |Coordinates of print position                     |
|S_TOP  |4013 |4023 |2   |Line number of line at top of screen              |
|SEED   |401C |4032 |2   |Seed for random number generator                  |
|SPARE1 |-    |4021 |1   |One spare byte                                    |
|SPARE2 |-    |407B |2   |Two spare bytes                                   |
|STKBOT |-    |401A |2   |Address of calculator stack                       |
|STKEND |-    |401C |2   |Address of end of calculator stack                |
|STRLEN |-    |402E |2   |Information concerning assigning of strings       |
|T_ADDR |401A |4030 |2   |Address of next item in syntax table              |
|V_ADDR |4020 |-    |2   |Address of variable name to be assigned           |
|VARS   |4008 |4010 |2   |Address of start of variables area                |
|VERSN  |-    |4009 |1   |First system variable to be SAVEd                 |
|X_PTR  |4015 |4018 |2   |Address of char. preceding syntax error marker    |
Memory Organisation

[Thunor: Note that the book simply includes a list of addresses, and so I have decided to implement a diagram that presents the addresses in a more informative way.]

                    OLD ROM                NEW ROM

Top of memory  --+------------------+   +------------------+-- Top of memory
                 |                  |   | Reserved area    |
                 |                  |   +------------------+-- (RAMTOP)
                 |                  |   | GOSUB stack      |
                 |                  |   +------------------+-- (ERR_SP)
                 |                  |   | Machine stack    |
                 |                  |   +------------------+-- SP
                 | Machine stack    |   | Spare memory     |
SP             --+------------------+   +------------------+-- (STKEND)
                 | Spare memory     | ^ | Calculator stack |
(DF_END)       --+------------------+ | +------------------+-- (STKBOT)
                 | Screen           | | | Edit line        |
(D_FILE)       --+------------------+   +------------------+-- (E_LINE)
                 | Edit line        |   | User variables   |
(E_LINE)       --+------------------+   +------------------+-- (VARS)
                 | User variables   |   | Screen           |
(VARS)         --+------------------+   +------------------+-- (D_FILE)
                 | User program     |   | User program     |
4028h (16424d) --+------------------+   +------------------+-- 407Dh (16509d)
                 | System variables |   | System variables |
4000h (16384d) --+------------------+   +------------------+-- 4000h (16384d)

Sinclair ZX Spectrum

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