Sunshine Books Ltd. 

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 T he instructions on the back of the box tells that this game is a deadly duel, deep in space - the sport of the year 3017.

The idea is to trap your opponent or opponents by enclosing them in the trail that you have left. It is rather like the game in the movie, Tron. The graphics of the introductory screen are good, though the graphics of the rest of the game are less than brilliant. Though there is only one level of play it does get progressively more difficult, with more and more opponents sent against you.

Sunshine seem to have a habit of producing games which are not technically brilliant, but manage to be highly addictive and great fun to play.

Addictiveness    ADDICTIVENESS


Graphics    GRAPHICS


Programming    PROGRAMMING


Lasting Appeal    LASTING APPEAL


Value    VALUE



Overall Score    OVERALL SCORE       72%


Reviewed by

James Walsh




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