Gargoyle Games 

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 S weevo is a robot. Sweevo is to robotics what Castle Rathbone is to peace, calm and order. Sweevo is a walking disaster. Sweevo makes me laugh.

I don't know quite how they've done it but Gargoyle, better known for celtic bovver boy Cuchulainn and outer space saviour Commander John Marsh, have suddenly demonstrated that not only do they know what to do with an Ultimate-style 3D adventure - they can also do it with great good humour.

Certainly Sweevo himself helps. He's the runt of an E.T. litter, possessed of the wide eyed innocence that made Stan Laurel so hilarious. Then there's the nature of his world, littered as it is with cans, teddy bears and ton weights on fragile supports. And its inhabitants number goose stepping dictators, not to be confused with geese themselves or horrible little girls. But even if fools rush in where angels fear to tread, Sweevo has to hold back because the floors sprout strange Noddy characters and fingers which are likely to kill the idiot android in a most undignified fashion. And that's not to mention the fruit!

The gameplay adds to the charm though. The puzzles aren't always too difficult, though some are fiendish, but solving them calls for delightful applications of lateral thinking. And if this wasn't all good enough there's the attention to detail, those little touches that make even losing your final life and getting not the message 'Dead' but 'Deader', bearable. The game is ludicrously playable - over four interconnected levels that should take an age to map - and highly enjoyable. It also boasts the silliest scoring system going, with percentages, Brownie points, and bonuses.

Get Sweevo - it proves that even a Gargoyle can smile!

Graphics    GRAPHICS


Playability    PLAYABILITY


Addictiveness    ADDICTIVENESS



Overall Score    OVERALL SCORE

 Overall Stars

Reviewed by

Rachael Smith




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