ZX 81 - BASIC Programming

Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Chapter 6.2 - Variables


1. Why do variable names (that is to say, names of variables) have to begin with a letter?

2. If you're unfamiliar with raising to powers (**, shifted H) then do this exercise.

At its most elementary level, 'A**B' means 'A multiplied by itself B times', but obviously this only makes sense if B is a positive whole number. To find a definition that works for other values of B, we consider the rule

A ** (B+C) = A**B * A**C

You should not need much convincing that this works when B & C are both positive whole numbers, but if we decide that we want it to work even when they are not, then we find ourselves compelled to accept that

A**0          = 1
A**(-B)      = 1/A**B
A**(1/B)    = the Bth root of A


A**(B*C)    = (A**B)**C

If you've never seen any of this before then don't try to remember it straight away; just remember that

A**-1    = 1/A


A**(1/2)    = the square root of A

& maybe when you're familiar with these the rest will begin to make sense.

Experiment with all this by telling the computer to print various expressions containing **: e.g.

PRINT 3**(2+0),3**2*3**0
PRINT 4**-1,1/4

3. Type


Now E has the value 2.718281828..., the base of natural logarithms. Test the rule

EXP a number = E ** the number for various numbers.

Sinclair ZX Spectrum

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